This is officially a day for blogging! I actually have to prepare for my mid-term test on Wed, but I just wanna gimme some time to blog since I don't do a lot. Wish me luck for my mid-term test!
These days, I have such a bad hair moment in life. I wanna cut it a little shorter again, but I wanna keep it stay longer too, but really this is such a mess! I hope curling iron will save me in few days ahead. *amen*
I only tell you my recent life in this post. Yeah, me and my friends already decided to have a trip on next January and we are heading to THAILAND! Yeeeeeeyyy scream for happiness, laughters, and shopping (definitely can't be forgotten). but first, we all have to work so hard for our grades and future. Kinda sucks, but that's okay. I hope everything will be worth it.
Got some melancholics atmosphere since I miss a lot of my high school memories. Friends, teachers, lovers, and especially MEMORIES. Oh really, memories stay in our heart no matter what and someday there's always something dig it back again *like now*.
Also, I deeply think about "how unfair/fair this life be". I mean we are all not perfect, but why something we got less than anyone else. I mean like physical appearance (your hair, eyes, nose, mouth, teeth, body, etc) why can't we just keep it in a good condition like any other people could. So there will be no glasses, smoothing, etc. We were born the same, but really I don't understand how to keep it stay the same.
Okay, that's all for tonight. I have to study and learn about my mid-tests, and take a bath too. If guys have an answer for my freakin' thought please please let me know! I hope to get some from you all soon. Leave some fingerprints here (since this is a blog and you all use our fingers to type). I would love to hear from you guys. Love! <3